B and K Castle

B and K Castle
On our wedding day, May 1997

Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 4, 2010

2 Salmon oil tablets, 3 Enzyme tablets, 1 daily vitamin, 2 glucosamine tablets, 4 calcium + magnesium tablets, 1 iron tablet, 1 cholesterol tablet, and one weekly vitamin D tablet. This is my daily regiment. It doesn't include the every 4 hours anti-nausea tablet I take when I am going through my chemo regiment. Yuck. I remember the days when I didn't take any pills except for an occasional Tylenol. Now, between age and cancer, I have a list of pills to put into my body. I am sure there are a few more vitamins I could be taking but pill swallowing is not a strength of mine. I started out with motivation a month ago by putting all my pills into a weekly pill box. Then I went through my second chemo treatment and the last thing I wanted to do was put anything else into my system. Even thinking of swallowing pills made me nauseas. The other day I had a friend of mine, who is also a public health nurse, mention that salmon oil is an anti-inflammatory agent; those of us with cancer understand the importance of anything that is anti-inflammatory. Anti-inflammatory agents are a very good thing indeed in the fight against cancer. So I thought it was time to get back into taking all my pills. I started yesterday and am hoping for the best. I may have to stop again when I go through my next round of chemo but I don't want to wait so long to get back into the routine.

Yesterday I left work early because I wasn't feeling well. I thought I might be coming down with something. This is a scary thought since chemo wipes out my white blood cell count and my body would have a more difficult time fighting off infections/germs. I took a few Tylenol and spent the evening laying in bed watching a movie. This morning I woke up feeling fine. That was a relief. I worry about missing too much work and maybe not being able to get to my next chemo on time.

It is Thursday evening and I am looking forward to the weekend. I am going to try some sugar-free baked goods this weekend. We have blueberries left from this past summer so I will try some blueberry muffins.

thanks for reading


  1. I am glad you are feeling better. Enjoy your weekend.
    Love you.

  2. Brynn,

    I had no idea! I thought my cousin Sheila might tell me about you but I read about you on Frances (Leach) Field's blog. How many Brynn's are there with a brother who taught at Ktn High School!

    I am a breast cancer survivor having gone through the adventure in 2006-2007. My mom stayed with us for awhile. I did lose my hair and looked sick even though 90% of the time I didn't feel sick. Heather came out for a week to help as I was getting towards the end of chemo. I don't know if you ever heard anything. Nettie Ellis had our old Holy Name crew (including your brother, Bill) send me a fantastic card during that time.

    You are in my prayers! It seems like my list gets longer daily. I'm a huge advocate of taking vitamin D. I'm only on one med but take a few supplements.

    All the best to you.

    Andrea (Cusack) Steenburgh
